Language Arts > Grades 3, 4 > Reading Response Forms: You are There! Gr. 3-4 - WORKSHEET

Reading Response Forms: You are There! Gr. 3-4 - WORKSHEET

Grades 3 to 4 - eBook - Worksheet

  • Reading Response Forms: You are There! Gr. 3-4 - WORKSHEET - eBook
  • Reading Response Forms: You are There! Gr. 3-4 - WORKSHEET - eBook
  • Reading Response Forms: You are There! Gr. 3-4 - WORKSHEET - eBook
Order #: CCP1107_25 Grades: 3, 4 Reading Level: 3-4 Total Page: 1
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This FREE worksheet includes 1 page from our Reading Response Forms title for Grades 3-4.

This worksheet asks students to pretend that the main character has moved in next door, then draw and color a picture to show how they would interact with their new neighbor. This worksheet can be used on its own, or paired with the individual resource. And the best part is, it's FREE.

About the full resource, Reading Response Forms for Grades 3-4:

Offer young readers the opportunity to share their thoughts about their literary experiences. Our resource provides an easy-to-use breakdown of a novel to ensure student comprehension. Identify different describing words to show what you remember from the story. Draw your favorite character based on what you understood from the reading. Apply what you know by comparing a character from the book to yourself. Dissect the cover and title of the book to analyze how the story will unfold. Evaluate a character's behavior by writing up a report card. Become a set designer and create a movie from the events in the story. Aligned to your State Standards and written to Bloom's Taxonomy, reproducible and hands-on activities, crossword, word search, comprehension quiz and answer key are also included.

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