Geography > Grades 5, 6, 7, 8 > Asia


Grades 5 to 8 - eBook - Lesson Plan

  • Asia Gr. 5-8 - eBook
  • Asia Gr. 5-8 - eBook
  • Asia Gr. 5-8 - eBook
  • Asia Gr. 5-8 - eBook
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Order #: CCP5754 ISBN13: 978-1-55319-312-8 Grades: 5, 6, 7, 8 Reading Level: 3-4 Total Page: 60 Author: Irene Evagelelis & David McAleese
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  • Absolutely awesome product! Very easy to use and age appropriate

    Linda Bland
  • Absolutely awesome product! Very easy to use and age appropriate!

    Linda Bland
  • Great resource for my 6th grade World Cultures class.

    Denise Scott
  • These worksheets are good basic introduction to Asia, and they work very well for reading comprehension with questions. However, they require students to do quite a bit of outside research to work with the higher level questions.

    J. Corriveau
  • These worksheets are good basic introduction to Asia, and they work very well for reading comprehension with questions.

    Jessica Corriveau
  • I love this!! We are using it as very accurate information before we dive into different countries in Asia. I love the vocabulary and the quiz at the end! Definitely worth it!

    Amanda Bruhn


Explore the vast landscape that is Asia, the world's largest continent. Find and label the Gobi Desert, Himalayas mountain range and Mekong Delta on a map of Asia. Find out how the city of Mumbai's location affected how it developed as a city. Record information about your chosen country in a flow chart graphic organizer. Learn how China's landscape is being changed by the Three Gorges Dam on the Yangtze River. Interview your parents to find out where your family originated, how and when they moved about, and how they eventually came to live in your present home. Compare an ancient Asian civilization with the one that exists there now on the Regions Change Over Time organizer. Look at the Asian continent on a world map to compare its location to the rest of the world. Aligned to your State Standards and the Five Themes of Geography, additional maps, crossword, word search, comprehension quiz and answer key are also included.

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Product Reviews

Linda Bland

Absolutely awesome product! Very easy to use and age appropriate

Linda Bland

Absolutely awesome product! Very easy to use and age appropriate!

Denise Scott

Great resource for my 6th grade World Cultures class.

J. Corriveau

These worksheets are good basic introduction to Asia, and they work very well for reading comprehension with questions. However, they require students to do quite a bit of outside research to work with the higher level questions.

Jessica Corriveau

These worksheets are good basic introduction to Asia, and they work very well for reading comprehension with questions.

Amanda Bruhn

I love this!! We are using it as very accurate information before we dive into different countries in Asia. I love the vocabulary and the quiz at the end! Definitely worth it!

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