Word Problems & Drills > Grades PK, K, 1, 2 > Measurement - Task & Drill Sheets

Measurement - Task & Drill Sheets

Grades PK to 2 - eBook - Lesson Plan

  • Measurement - Task & Drill Sheets Gr. PK-2 - eBook
  • Measurement - Task & Drill Sheets Gr. PK-2 - eBook
  • Measurement - Task & Drill Sheets Gr. PK-2 - eBook
  • Measurement - Task & Drill Sheets Gr. PK-2 - eBook
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Order #: CCP3303 ISBN13: 978-1-55319-537-5 Grades: PK, K, 1, 2 Reading Level: PK-2 Total Page: 60 Author: Christopher Forest
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See CC3303 for the printed copy.

Beginner learners will recognize and estimate measurements while getting a sense of how things relate. Our resource introduces the mathematical concepts taken from real-life experiences, and provides warm-up and timed practice questions to strengthen procedural proficiency skills. Use objects to measure lengths of bigger objects. Use a teaspoon, cup and some water to experiment with volume. Use a paper clip to estimate the weight of a pencil. Recognize things that are hot or cold. Identify which item weighs more in each pair. Pick the best unit of measure for each object. Estimate the weight of different items. Write the temperatures shown on a thermometer. The task and drill sheets provide a leveled approach to learning, starting with prekindergarten and increasing in difficulty to grade 2. Aligned to your State Standards and meeting the concepts addressed by the NCTM standards, reproducible task sheets, drill sheets, review and answer key are included.

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Measurement - Task Sheets Gr. PK-2
Measurement - Drill Sheets Gr. PK-2

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