Primary > Grades K, 1, 2 > Mittens With Quills

Mittens With Quills

Grades K to 2 - eBook - Lesson Plan

  • Mittens With Quills Gr. K-2 - eBook
  • Mittens With Quills Gr. K-2 - eBook
  • Mittens With Quills Gr. K-2 - eBook
  • Mittens With Quills Gr. K-2 - eBook
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Order #: RHP6103 ISBN13: 978-1-55319-223-7 Grades: K, 1, 2 Reading Level: K-2 Total Page: 48 Author: Vera Trembach
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The art of quillwork is told through a big book and flannel board story in our teacher resource for Kindergarten to Grade 2 students. The Circle of Life, traditions, and the value of Elders as a wonderful learning resource is emphasized. Contents include "The Art of Quilting" information cards, Jacket Pattern, Moccasin Pattern, Mittens with Quills song, big book patterns for Mittens with Quills, and storytelling of "Nosisimis and the Porcupine". This Primary Studies lesson provides a teacher and student section with reading passages, information cards, patterns, songs, big book, flannelboard, and word search to create a well-rounded lesson plan.

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