Novel Study Guides > Grades 7, 8 > Call It Courage

Call It Courage

Novel Study Guide - Grades 7 to 8 - Print Book - Lesson Plan

  • Call It Courage - Literature Kit Gr. 7-8 - print book
  • Call It Courage - Literature Kit Gr. 7-8 - print book
  • Call It Courage - Literature Kit Gr. 7-8 - print book
  • Call It Courage - Literature Kit Gr. 7-8 - print book
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Order #: CC2706 ISBN13: 978-1-77167-241-2 Grades: 7, 8 Reading Level: 7-8 Total Page: 55 Author: Lynda Allison
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  • This unit made teaching the novel a breeze. Thanks!

    N. Katzmarek


Expose your students to face their fears and overcome obstacles. Encourage them to find themselves and grow into the person they're meant to be. Make teaching a breeze with ready-made activities and prompts to stimulate student comprehension. Identify statements about life in Mafatu's village as true or false. Find the synonyms to key vocabulary words found in the novel. Imagine how Mafatu's life would be different had his mother been alive. Predict whether Mafatu will survive on the island and return to his village a new man. Explain what Mafatu believed brought him to safety. Create a board game, using a map of the island as a base. Create a set of rules and cards with questions, then play the game in small groups. Aligned to your State Standards and written to Bloom's Taxonomy, additional crossword, word search, comprehension quiz and answer key are also included.

About the Novel:
Call It Courage is a Newbery Medal-winning story about a boy who tries to overcome his fear of the sea by facing it. Set in the Pacific Islands, the story follows Mafatu, the son of the chief of Hikueru Island. After watching his mother die, Mafatu develops a fear of the sea, which brings his father shame. In order to no longer be seen as a coward among his tribe, Mafatu takes a canoe out into the ocean. He ends up lost and deserted on an island, forced to fend for himself. During his encounters on the island, Mafatu slowly faces and overcomes his fears, eventually returning home a new man.

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Product Reviews

N. Katzmarek

This unit made teaching the novel a breeze. Thanks!

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