Canadian Studies > Grades 2, 3 > Canadian Cities

Canadian Cities

Grades 2 to 3 - Print Book - Lesson Plan

  • Canadian Cities Gr. 2-3 - print book
  • Canadian Cities Gr. 2-3 - print book
  • Canadian Cities Gr. 2-3 - print book
  • Canadian Cities Gr. 2-3 - print book
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Order #: RH6108 ISBN13: 978-1-55319-213-8 Grades: 2, 3 Reading Level: 2-3 Total Page: 57 Author: Vera Trembach
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Loaded with practical activities to help students learn about communities, Canadian Cities combines geography, math, tourism, and language arts into a comprehensive social studies program. Students will learn the capital cities of Canada and how to locate them on a map. They will locate cities within the province of Saskatchewan on a map and discover elements unique to their city. Independent learning activities, fun tourism reports, task cards, a big book and Canada's capital city game are all included. Students will also discover elements unique to a city, participate in group work, and read a dramatic role. This Social Studies lesson provides a teacher and student section with reader's theatre, game, big book pattern, task cards, word search, and answer key to create a well-rounded lesson plan.

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