Cultural Studies > Grades 2, 3 > Canadian Urban And Rural Communities

Canadian Urban And Rural Communities

Grades 2 to 3 - Print Book - Lesson Plan

  • Canadian Urban And Rural Communities Gr. 2-3 - print book
  • Canadian Urban And Rural Communities Gr. 2-3 - print book
  • Canadian Urban And Rural Communities Gr. 2-3 - print book
  • Canadian Urban And Rural Communities Gr. 2-3 - print book
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Order #: RH6109 ISBN13: 978-1-55319-127-8 Grades: 2, 3 Reading Level: 2-3 Total Page: 108 Author: Natalie Regier
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Our five-part unit focuses on different communities throughout Canada, as children learn about the similarities between urban and rural communities. The resource begins with a set of lesson plans for the teacher. Details are provided for the activities that the children participate in during each lesson. Then, a student booklet in which children record their findings and research is provided. The resource ends with activities that are used during the lessons of the unit, including a jot note outline, a report outline, and a bibliography outline. This Social Studies unit provides a teacher and student section with a variety of lessons, activities, crossword, word search, and answer key to create a well-rounded lesson plan.

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