Word Problems > Grades 3, 4, 5 > Geometry - Task Sheets

Geometry - Task Sheets

Grades 3 to 5 - Print Book - Lesson Plan

  • Geometry - Task Sheets Gr. 3-5 - print book
  • Geometry - Task Sheets Gr. 3-5 - print book
  • Geometry - Task Sheets Gr. 3-5 - print book
  • Geometry - Task Sheets Gr. 3-5 - print book
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Order #: CC3108 ISBN13: 978-1-55319-466-8 Grades: 3, 4, 5 Reading Level: 3-5 Total Page: 32 Author: Mary Rosenberg
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Take your knowledge of shapes one step further as you explore polygons and triangles. Our resource provides task and word problems surrounding real-life scenarios. Identify polygons from other shapes. Know the difference between a regular and irregular, or simple and complex polygon. Explore equilateral, isosceles and scalene triangles. Label triangles as acute, right or obtuse. See how many different quadrilaterals there are. Extend your knowledge of symmetry by looking at rotational symmetry. Find the difference between congruent and similar shapes. Get introduced to surface area and volume of 3D shapes. The task sheets provide a leveled approach to learning, starting with grade 3 and increasing in difficulty to grade 5. Aligned to your State Standards and meeting the concepts addressed by the NCTM standards, reproducible task sheets, drill sheets, review and answer key are included.

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