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Grades PK, K, 1 >
Primarily Patterns
Primarily Patterns
Grades PK to 1 - Print Book - Lesson Plan
Order #: RH1123
ISBN13: 978-1-55319-253-4
Grades: PK, K, 1
Reading Level: PK-1
Total Page: 62
Author: Vera Trembach
Our huge resource is an exciting study of primary and secondary patterns, and is loaded with activities youngsters are sure to love! Our unit features a collection of patterns, clip art, book mark templates, task cards, lacing and activity cards for events throughout the year. Themes included in this resource: Back To School, Autumn, Halloween, Christmas, St. Patrick's Day, Bears, Dinosaurs, Sea Animals, Butterflies, Farm Animals, Zoo Animals, and Pets. This Art lesson provides a teacher and student section with a variety of activity cards, clip art, task cards, templates, and book marks to create a well-rounded lesson plan.