Physical Science > Grades 4, 5 > Technology Teasers

Technology Teasers

Grades 4 to 5 - Print Book - Lesson Plan

  • Technology Teasers Gr. 4-5 - print book
  • Technology Teasers Gr. 4-5 - print book
  • Technology Teasers Gr. 4-5 - print book
  • Technology Teasers Gr. 4-5 - print book
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Order #: RH4311 ISBN13: 978-1-55319-162-9 Grades: 4, 5 Reading Level: 4-5 Total Page: 46 Author: Rob Nelson
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Engage your students with our collection of 20 challenges relevant to the technology of mechanisms, electronics, and control. The challenges are centered on cogs, pulleys, electrical circuits and so on. Each challenge problem needs to be solved through using technological principles ideally reached via authentic "real-life" contexts. The aim of the challenges in this book is to help students develop some aspects of their "technological literacy" that they can then apply to problems that they come up with for themselves. Although only one solution is offered, there are many others equally or better suited to the problem, and students should be encouraged to try a range of ideas. This Physical Science lesson provides a variety of activities to challenge your students.

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