Novel Study Guides > Grades 5, 6 > The Lightning Thief - BONUS WORKSHEETS

The Lightning Thief - BONUS WORKSHEETS

Grades 5 to 6 - eBook - Bonus Worksheets

  • The Lightning Thief - Literature Kit Gr. 5-6 - BONUS WORKSHEETS - eBook
  • The Lightning Thief - Literature Kit Gr. 5-6 - BONUS WORKSHEETS - eBook
  • The Lightning Thief - Literature Kit Gr. 5-6 - BONUS WORKSHEETS - eBook
  • The Lightning Thief - Literature Kit Gr. 5-6 - BONUS WORKSHEETS - eBook
Order #: CC2543D Grades: 5, 6 Reading Level: 5-6 Total Page: 6
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This FREE bonus resource includes extension activity worksheets from our The Lightning Thief Gr. 5-6 Novel Study Guide title.

Enjoy 6 BONUS worksheets from our The Lightning Thief Gr. 5-6 Novel Study Guide. These worksheets can be used on their own, or paired with the individual resources as extension activities at the completion of the unit. And the best part is, it's FREE.

About these BONUS Worksheets:

Written to Bloom's Taxonomy, these worksheets are aligned to your State Standards. Each concept features practice worksheets and comprehension activities to ensure your students are engaged and fully understand the novel.

About the full resource, The Lightning Thief Gr. 5-6:

Be encouraged to rise above failure and show just what you're made of. The provided Before and After reading activities really help to build student's reading comprehension. Make connections between the novel and well-known Greek myths by identifying the significance of the three old ladies Percy sees knitting. Make predictions about the plot by deciding whether Percy will find out about his parentage. Go back through the novel and make a list of clues that show the author's use of foreshadowing. Put key events from the novel in the order they occurred as Percy learns about his quest. Compare the Greek gods from the novel with their Roman counterparts. Detail some of the ways the gods of Olympus influenced events in the story, and how these influences impacted plot development. Aligned to your State Standards, additional crossword, word search, comprehension quiz and answer key are also included.

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