History > Grades 5, 6, 7, 8 > Canadian Government

Canadian Government

Grades 5 to 8 - eBook - Lesson Plan

  • Canadian Government Gr. 5-8 - eBook
  • Canadian Government Gr. 5-8 - eBook
  • Canadian Government Gr. 5-8 - eBook
  • Canadian Government Gr. 5-8 - eBook
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Order #: CCP5758 ISBN13: 978-1-55319-344-9 Grades: 5, 6, 7, 8 Reading Level: 3-4 Total Page: 60 Author: Brenda Rollins
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  • Good resource for the foundational information

    Susie Clemyck
  • Lots of great information. Thanks

    Adventures in Room 11
  • Very helpful!

    bettina gagne
  • Explains the roles in the government effectively.

    Explains the roles in the government effectively
  • This made an excellent unit! Love it!

    Kathy Cowan
  • easy to use.

    Tara Hassall
  • A great resource to support students who need more direct fill in the blank and matching type questions. Very clear and simplifies difficult concepts.

    Renata Urbanik
  • I consider this a buy it for life product. Very useful to use every single year.

    Kevin Mopera
  • Great resource!

    Chantal Montpellier
  • This was a great resource. It has lots of detailed information and I was able to pick through and use what best fit with the curriculum. Thanks!

  • Was so glad to see this here to download!!

    M. Schmale
  • I really like using this. It worked well

  • This unit was very thorough and offered many entry levels for discussion on topics. Thanks.

    S. Wolter
  • My kids love this book, and they love the activities!

  • Very detailed. Does not exactly match the Ontario curriculum. (Has lots of things not required.) The before reading activities are very difficult as students have not learned this yet. The during and after reading activities are very well done and use a variety of skills.

    S. Morrison
  • Very engaging resource!

    T. Constable
  • This was a simple, concise resource that made teaching a topic I am not so fluent in so much easier, thank you!

    D. Turner
  • Awesome way to introduce Canadian government, thank you!

    M. Jessop
  • This has been awesome for some of my more independent learners - challenging and interesting for them

    J. Christianson
  • Great resource for grade 5's! Thanks

    A. Baile
  • very helpful

    R. Kay
  • Am looking forward to using this resource this year!!!!

    T. Thorne
  • This was a very well developed unit for SS. Thank you.

    P. Virginillo
  • "Very in depth. Thank you."

    Michelle Radauskas
  • Awesome. Great resource. Thanks!

    Christine M.
  • Excellent! Thank you!

    Leslie Mott
  • Very engaging resource!

    Tara Constable
  • Thank you so much for this ready to go packet! Perfect for differentiating instruction and managing independent learners.

    Robin Schmitt


Travel back to Confederation to see how Canada became a new nation. Our resource breaks down the responsibilities and parts of the federal government. Recognize that Canada is a democracy and a constitutional monarchy, with the head of state being the King or Queen. Read the Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms, before writing your own Constitution for a new country. Create a presentation on one of the departments the federal government is responsible for, such as national defense or the post office. Understand that Canada is made up of provinces and territories, and that each has its own government under the federal system. Jump into the political process to elect the next Prime Minister, and see how a majority of minority government affects his or her leadership. Aligned to your State Standards and written to Bloom's Taxonomy, additional writing tasks, crossword, word search, comprehension quiz and answer key are also included.

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Product Reviews

Susie Clemyck

Good resource for the foundational information

Adventures in Room 11

Lots of great information. Thanks

bettina gagne

Very helpful!

Explains the roles in the government effectively

Explains the roles in the government effectively.

Kathy Cowan

This made an excellent unit! Love it!

Tara Hassall

easy to use.

Renata Urbanik

A great resource to support students who need more direct fill in the blank and matching type questions. Very clear and simplifies difficult concepts.

Kevin Mopera

I consider this a buy it for life product. Very useful to use every single year.

Chantal Montpellier

Great resource!


This was a great resource. It has lots of detailed information and I was able to pick through and use what best fit with the curriculum. Thanks!

M. Schmale

Was so glad to see this here to download!!


I really like using this. It worked well

S. Wolter

This unit was very thorough and offered many entry levels for discussion on topics. Thanks.


My kids love this book, and they love the activities!

S. Morrison

Very detailed. Does not exactly match the Ontario curriculum. (Has lots of things not required.) The before reading activities are very difficult as students have not learned this yet. The during and after reading activities are very well done and use a variety of skills.

T. Constable

Very engaging resource!

D. Turner

This was a simple, concise resource that made teaching a topic I am not so fluent in so much easier, thank you!

M. Jessop

Awesome way to introduce Canadian government, thank you!

J. Christianson

This has been awesome for some of my more independent learners - challenging and interesting for them

A. Baile

Great resource for grade 5's! Thanks

R. Kay

very helpful

T. Thorne

Am looking forward to using this resource this year!!!!

P. Virginillo

This was a very well developed unit for SS. Thank you.

Michelle Radauskas

"Very in depth. Thank you."

Christine M.

Awesome. Great resource. Thanks!

Leslie Mott

Excellent! Thank you!

Tara Constable

Very engaging resource!

Robin Schmitt

Thank you so much for this ready to go packet! Perfect for differentiating instruction and managing independent learners.

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