Life Science > Grades 5, 6, 7, 8 > Cells, Skeletal & Muscular Systems

Cells, Skeletal & Muscular Systems

Grades 5 to 8 - eBook - Lesson Plan

  • Cells, Skeletal & Muscular Systems Gr. 5-8 - eBook
  • Cells, Skeletal & Muscular Systems Gr. 5-8 - eBook
  • Cells, Skeletal & Muscular Systems Gr. 5-8 - eBook
  • Cells, Skeletal & Muscular Systems Gr. 5-8 - eBook
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Order #: CCP4516 ISBN13: 978-1-55319-378-4 Grades: 5, 6, 7, 8 Reading Level: 3-4 Total Page: 60 Author: Susan Lang
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  • Looking forward to using this! I especially like the sheet where students cut the organs out and paste them on the body. Thanks!

  • Wonderful resource! Thank you.

    V. Butler
  • Good for morning work and the kids loved the alien activity! I am building on it for our human body unit. Thanks!

    T, Martinez
  • Useful information and helpful supplemental readings for the students. Thanks!

    Ellen Zilka


Start your journey into the human body with cells, bones and muscles. Our resource takes you through a fascinating study of anatomy with current information. Begin with cells, the building blocks of life. Build your own cell by sculpting the different parts. Move into tissues, organs and systems to discover all the different systems that make the human body function. Next is the skeletal system. Invent your own alien skeleton using the different bones found in the human body. Understand that these bones are held together with joints and cartilage. Finally, end this part of the journey with the muscular system. Find out the difference between skeletal, smooth and cardiac muscles before identifying voluntary and involuntary muscle movement. Aligned to the Next Generation State Standards and written to Bloom's Taxonomy and STEAM initiatives, additional hands-on experiments, crossword, word search, comprehension quiz and answer key are also included.

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Product Reviews


Looking forward to using this! I especially like the sheet where students cut the organs out and paste them on the body. Thanks!

V. Butler

Wonderful resource! Thank you.

T, Martinez

Good for morning work and the kids loved the alien activity! I am building on it for our human body unit. Thanks!

Ellen Zilka

Useful information and helpful supplemental readings for the students. Thanks!

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