Word Problems & Drills > Grades 3, 4, 5 > Five Strands of Math - Task & Drills BIG BOOK

Five Strands of Math - Task & Drills BIG BOOK

Grades 3 to 5 - eBook - Lesson Plan

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Order #: CCP3311 ISBN13: 978-1-55319-978-6 Grades: 3, 4, 5 Reading Level: 3-5 Total Page: 277 Author: Tanya Cook, Chris Forest, Nat Reed, Mary Rosenberg
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For grades 3-5, our resource meets the five strands of math concepts addressed by the NCTM standards and encourages the students to review the concepts in unique ways. We demonstrate to students the importance of mathematical problems in Number & Operations, Algebra, Geometry, Measurement, and Data Analysis & Probability using real world situations. The task sheets introduce the mathematical concepts to the students around a central problem taken from real-life experiences, while the drill sheets provide warm-up and timed practice questions for the students to strengthen their procedural proficiency skills. The combined task & drill sheets offer space for reflection and the opportunity for the appropriate use of technology. Also contained are review sheets, color activity posters and bonus worksheets. All of our content meets the Common Core State Standards and are written to Bloom's Taxonomy, STEM, and NCTM standards.

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